Heidi Montag:
'Addicted to being perfect'?
'Addicted to being perfect'?
Here are some direct quotes from the original article:
"I'm competing against the Britney Spearses of the world - and when she was in her prime, it was her sex appeal that sold. Obviously, looks matter; it's a superficial industry."
"I'm already planning my next surgery- I'm determined to get bigger breasts! I know it sounds crazy [she is now a DDD]."
"No one is ever perfect. But I am obsessed with plastic surgery and maintaining my looks."
"The first day [after the surgery] was really hard...I looked like I had been hit by a bus. I was purple, swollen mush - I didn't look human! It was so scary. I could hardly move. Couldn't even walk. And my back was black and blue and purple. It was more traumatizing just seeing it than even feeling it really...I just felt so fragile."
When asked if this is the end of surgery she responded, "I'm just starting."

What the PG participants are saying:
- She must not have been okay with any of her body beforehand. - The picture of them drawing on Heidi makes her look so objectified.
- When you have the money you are more willing to change something about your body. It is a privilege in the sense that you then have the choice, which plants the seed of doubt in your mind.
- This kind of money could be going to someplace useful, like Haiti!
- Her face doesn’t look right, it looks unnatural. The very features of a woman that are beautiful are no longer there.
- Our imperfections are what sets us apart and makes us beautiful. For that matter, why do they even have to be considered imperfections?
- You won’t ever really be happy with the final product because it is really not about the body at all.
- It teaches girls that they don’t have to be happy with who they are...everything can be "fixed"
- It arouses anxiety in all of us!
- Plastic surgeons seem to treat women like pieces of clay to be manipulated. They appear to be in it for the money alone.
- Why isn’t there mandatory counseling/assessment for plastic surgery (as there are for gender reassignment surgeries)?
- It is so sad that she felt that she had to do this.
- She was prettier before. She looked more natural, it just seemed pointless for her do the surgeries.
- She is way too young to have so many surgeries.
- It makes me sad for her. I wish she had someone to reassure her and help her feel more secure. This is why Project Girl is so important!
For more information, visit the People Magazine website. The original cover article appears in the January 25, 2010 issue currently on news stands.
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