Monday, February 22, 2010

Words from our Participants...

"The best part of being involved with Project Girl, is the opportunity to be a part of something that is changing how others view themselves. Never before have I felt that it was possible for me to seriously impact others and now, by sharing my art, I feel that we are all helping others see how fantastic they are." - high school student

Save the Date!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Goddess Wisdom Tree

For the final Project Girl art show we will be displaying a collaborative art piece.  You're getting a sneak peak of what is to come today...ornaments!  For the show we will be crafting a goddess wisdom tree and this week we created ornaments which will be hung on the tree as a representation of the wisdom we will all be taking away from this experience.  

Trees are often used as a metaphor for growth and change as they are able to remain strong and resilient, with the capacity to regenerate themselves season after season.  The participants of Project Girl are undergoing changes and shifts in understanding as they begin to "un-mediafy" their lives while also gaining a deeper understanding of their own female identities.

The art directive this week: Create an ornament for the goddess wisdom tree which celebrates what is RIGHT with female bodies...what is right with your body?  What deserves to be celebrated and honored for its wisdom?  The pieces are still in progress, sculpted and stamped in sculpey clay which will be baked and then decorated and hung from ribbon.

* Artwork to the positive body image promoting song 
"Healing" by India Arie
"I vow to love and respect myself, to forgive myself, and to take care of myself.  When I am feeling down, I will find gratitude and thank the Goddess, and then I will realize that she is me.  This will remind me of the best gift I could give to myself:  self love and respect.

  Within myself is the first place that I will always be able to find love."

-Gwendolyn LaFae 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photography & Body Painting Project

Today in the studio Project Girl participants did a photography project, celebrating who we are beyond what the media tells us we should be.  Our imperfections, our unique features, our passions, our dreams, our was a very cool project and we had a lot of fun doing it!  We took some time to journal and brainstorm as a group to identify what makes us unique, what deserves to be celebrated and what our bodies want to say.  Then, we painted our messages and photographed each other in the is the result:

* Artwork to the positive body image promoting song 
"A More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz