Project Girl (PG) is an after-school program that combines art and media literacy into a unique educational program aimed at encouraging adolescent girls to become more critical consumers of contemporary media advertising and entertainment. The purpose of PG is to help girls become literate in all media forms—TV, internet, movies, magazines, newspapers, billboards, books, product labels, and music—so that they control the interpretation of what they see or hear rather than letting the interpretation control them.
About BYBA
Boulder Youth Body Alliance (BYBA) empowers youth to reclaim a positive body image. Through a variety of grassroots projects and activities, teens take action, reclaim their voices, and make a positive difference in their communities. BYBA peer educators and activists learn how to stop trying to change their bodies and work to change the world instead.
Naropa Community Art Studio
The guiding vision behind this long-term project has been to provide a safe place for various members of the Boulder community to gather and create art together. Naropa University art therapy faculty and students manage the studio, organizing and running the many ways in which this space can be used.
I'll be there!
ReplyDeleteWished I could be there. Can't wait to hear all about it. With you involved it is bound to be awesome!!