We have had a couple of weeks off due to spring break but this week we found our way back to the studio! We are eagerly checking items off of our art exhibition to-do list! Food will be provided by Whole Foods, a video is being edited, artist statements are forming... The girls are very excited to display all of their amazing art work and I think we're all ready to bring our passion for the subjects we discuss and the art we make to our community.
Here is one of the final touches of flair we have put together for the show. We will be dressed in the same color palette at the show and we decided it was only right to make some funky accessories to compliment our outfits. These beautiful flowers, handmade by PG participants, will be worn on headbands, necklaces, bracelets, etc. to compliment our artist selves and set us apart from the guests. The pieces all together are a great visual of our cohesion and similarities within the group and they also show that we are all unique and growing in our own way as a result of Project Girl.

We will see you on Saturday, April 17th
from 7:00 - 9:00 pm!
Beautiful unique flowers for beautiful unique girls!